W H Y?
Smudging is an ancient spiritual ritual that is used to assist in protecting and clearing energy.
Smudging can also aid in and benefit:
Dispel negativity (that may be attached to a person or an object)
Moving stagnant energy
Improves mood and less stress
Gaining clarity
Think about why you are smudging – what intentions are you wanting to set – what do you want to achieve?
While holding onto that intention, light the end of the sage leaf allow to smoke (you may need to blow out the flame) – you can move this around your heart space, body or room freely; or use a ceramic bowl or shell to smoulder in.
If you are using a Palo Santo stick light the end of one stick and once a flame appears gently blow it out to evoke a beautiful fine smoke.
Crystals: hold the crystal amongst the smoke and focus your energy on your intention to cleanse an re energise the crystals.
People or self: swirl the smudge stick gently from head to toe – clearing all the icky stuff that has attached to your aura.
Spaces: Open the windows and walk through the room with the smudge stick allowing the smoke to gently flow throughout the space.
When you are finished place the smouldering stick (sage or palo santo into sand or dirt to put out completely).